
I had the great pleasure to visit Vermejo Park Ranch in northern New Mexico recently. I had heard of Ted Turner Reserves, and assumed they were just another luxury guest ranch.  I learned they are so much more, and why Vermejo is often referred to as a private national park.

  1. Exceeding 550,000 acres, the ranch is approximately the size of Rhode Island, and only six National Parks are larger.

    map of vermejo ranch

    The yellow arrow marks the location of the main lodge.

  2. When the ranch is at full capacity, every guest would have over 8000 acres to themselves. It is the largest contiguous ranch in the US.
    view of vermejo landscape while hiking

    Views for miles, and we can only see a small part!

    bar and lounge in vermejo ranch lodge

    Our favorite gathering place after a day of activity.

  3. The driveway is 45 miles long (the road starts at the far right of the map, near the border with Colorado).

    entrance sign to vermejo ranch

    Entering the boundaries of the ranch. Our adventure begins soon!

  4. There were only 97 bison when Ted Turner bought the property. Now there are approximately 1500, including some genetically pure Yellowstone bison. There are >50,000 bison across all Ted Turner properties.

    bison crossing road in vermejo

    Looks like Yellowstone, but without the traffic and crowds.

  5. Botanical specimens from the early 1900’s were discovered in the attic by Jane Fonda, and are now on display in historic Casa Grande mansion.
    framed botanic specimens in casa grande at vermejo ranch

    The label says “Plants of New Mexico” and the date is September 1913.

    casa grande exterior at vermejo ranch

    Casa Grande is 25,000 sq ft with rooms and suites for guests, plus gorgeous public spaces. Another historic building is being restored and will open in 2020.

  6. Rio Grande cutthroat trout were almost on the endangered species list until Ted Turner rehabilitated the creeks in Vermejo, removing non-native species. Now genetically pure Rio Grande cutthroats can be fished exclusively on the ranch.

    Wildlife and streams by the lodge at Vermejo

    Beautiful scenery and wildlife right out the front door of the lodge.

  7. Parts of the ranch are frozen in time with an old coal mine, charcoal kilns, abandoned homesteads, a turn of the century cemetery, and native American artifacts.

    coal kilns at vermejo

    A fun setting for a special lunch!

  8. Costilla Lodge is a certified LEED Silver solar-power ecolodge in a private location 45 minutes from the main lodge.  The lodge is available for full buyouts (occupany 16), and is perfect for corporate or family groups. You can even customize your menu!

    Costilla Lodge at Vermejo

    Imagine having this place all to yourself. Great food, great views, great guides.

  9. Casa Grande looks remarkbly much like it did a hundred years ago.

    The Grand Entry and Great Room in the earl 1900’s. Source: “Vermejo Park Ranch a History”

    Casa Grande interior

    Casa Grande today.

  10. Depending on the time of year, guests can go shed hunting, or on an early morning elk safari. And there are many other activities including biking, hiking, horseback riding, and geocaching.
    vermejo ranch scenery

    Ready for a scramble up Castle Rock. (And for those of you wondering, no ticks here!)

    alpine lake at vermejo ranch

    I love alpine lakes!

Vermejo is not just a place to spend an one of a kind vacation, but a chance to witness one of North America’s greatest conservation comeback stories.  Because each visit is customized, contact me for more information on what to expect and how to plan, and also to receive our exclusive Virtuoso amenities.